
Warranty Service
In the United States, please send your watch to: WWRC, 15 Corporate Drive,
Orangeburg, NY 10962. Please include a check or money order payable to
Wenger NA in the amount of $10(US) to cover the cost of return shipping and
handling (California residents exempt). If your warranty has been rendered
void as a result of non-compliance with above warranty restrictions, we will
send you an estimate before any repairs are made. When sending your watch
to our Service Center, please pack it securely. We suggest insuring the ship-
ment as Wenger NA cannot be responsible for packages not received by the
company. Be sure to include your name, mailing address, phone number, email
address, proof of purchase and a brief description of the problem. Wenger is
not responsible for damage or loss in shipping. Note: Do not send watch
boxes. If you have questions or concerns, please call 800-267-3577 or 800-
447-7422 to speak to a Customer Care Associate. Youmay also visit us on the
web at www.WengerNA.comorcontact us via e-mail at Custsvc@WengerNA.com.
In Canada call: 888-838-1504. Outside the U.S. or Canada, please visit
www.Wenger.ch for further instructions.