SCANTEAM 3700 Wedge Technical Manual
6.2.7 Code 11 and Code 128
Default All Code 11 / Code 128 Settings
Scanning the Default bar code will program the 3700 Wedge to the symbology
options indicated by a ✱" in the menu selections on this programming page.
Code 11
Check Digits Required
Code 11 isa discretecode capableof encodingvariableĆlength messagesfrom
the set of numerics plus the -" character. The symbology derived its name
from the size of its character set. Each character in Code 11 has three bars and
two internal spaces: two of these elements are wide, the other three are narrow.
The exceptions to this are the 0", 9", and -" characters, which have one
extraĆwide element and four narrow elements. Code 11 can be decoded as a
twoĆwidth symbology, though the bars can assume one of three widths.
Default = On.
The Code 11 specification strongly recommends the use of two check digits.
The decoder can be programmed to read Code 11 symbols having only one
check digit. Bar code readers cannot autodiscriminate the number of check
digits encoded in a symbol. Default = 2 Check Digits.
Code 11
123456 11
1234567890 1
With 2 Check Digits With 1 Check Digit
✱ Default All Code 11 / Code 128 Settings ✱
Code 11
✱ On
✱ 2 Check Digits
1 Check Digit
Maximum ]Minimum ]
Check Digits
] A twoĆdigit number is required after scanning this programming bar code.
Please scan your selection on the Programming Chart (inside back cover).
Programming Tip: If a symbology won't be used, we recommend turning it off
to minimize the chance of a misread.