Mode 3: Famous Finds
1. Press the Famous Finds Mode Button to enter this activity.
2. You will be asked to nd one famous place. For example, you will hear
“Can you y to the Eiffel Tower?”
3. If you y to the correct location, for example, the Eiffel Tower, you will
hear “the Eiffel Tower”, and a rewarding sound.
4. If you land on an incorrect location, the pilot will identify it and ask you
to keep searching for the correct location.
5. If you answer incorrectly three consecutive times, the unit will ask you
a new question.
Mode 4: Free Flight
1. Press the Free Flight Mode Button to enter this activity.
2. Use the joystick to y the plane anywhere on the globe. Release the
joystick when you reach your destination and press the enter button on
the joystick. You will hear your selected location identied and some
interesting related facts.
Mode 5: Animal Adventure
1. Press the Animal Adventure Mode Button to enter this activity.
2. You will be asked to nd an animal. For example, you will hear “Can
you y to the camel?”
3. If you y to the correct animal, the unit will identify that animal and play
a rewarding sound.
4. If you land on incorrect location, the unit will identify it and ask you to
keep searching for the correct animal.
5. If you answer incorrectly three consecutive times, the unit will ask you
a new question.
Mode 6: Music Mission
1. Press the Music Mission Mode Button to enter this activity.
2. You will be asked to nd an instrument. For example, you will hear “Can
you nd the zither?”
3. If you y to the correct instrument, the unit will identify that instrument
and play a rewarding sound.
4. If you land on incorrect location the unit will identify it and ask you to
keep searching for the correct instrument.