
2006 Volvo V50
Check condition of drive belts.
Check state of the battery's charge.
Examine tires carefully (the spare tire as well), and replace those that are worn. Check tire pressures.
The brakes, front wheel alignment, and steering gear should be checked by your Volvo retailer only.
Check all lights, including high beams.
Reflective warning triangles are legally required in some states/provinces.
Have a word with your Volvo retailer if you intend to drive in countries where it may be difficult to
obtain the correct fuel.
Consider your destination. If you will be driving through an area where snow or ice are likely to
occur, consider snow tires.
2. To prevent injury from contact with hot surfaces, do not inspect your vehicle's transmission fluid yourself. Have your vehicle's
transmission fluid level inspected by a qualified Volvo service technician.
pg. 103 Fuel requirements
Octane rating
Volvo engines are designed for optimum performance on unleaded premium gasoline with an AKI
octane rating of 91 or above. AKI (ANTI KNOCK INDEX) is an average of the Research Octane
Number, RON, and the Motor Octane Number, MON. ((RON + MON)/2). The minimum octane
requirement is AKI 87 (RON 91).
Deposit control gasoline (detergent additives)
Volvo recommends the use of detergent gasoline to control engine deposits. Detergent gasoline is
effective in keeping injectors and intake valves clean. Consistent use of deposit control gasolines will
help ensure good driveability and fuel economy. If you are not sure whether the gasoline contains
deposit control additives, check with the service station operator.
NOTE: Volvo does not recommend the use of store-bought fuel injector cleaning additives.
Unleaded fuel
Each Volvo has a three-way catalytic converter and must use only unleaded gasoline. U.S. and Canadian
regulations require that pumps delivering unleaded gasoline be labelled "UNLEADED". Only these
pumps have nozzles which fit your vehicle's filler inlet. It is unlawful to dispense leaded fuel into a
vehicle labelled "unleaded gasoline only". Leaded gasoline damages the three-way catalytic converter
and the heated oxygen sensor system. Repeated use of leaded gasoline will lessen the effectiveness of
the emission control system and could result in loss of emission warranty coverage. State and local
vehicle inspection programs will make detection of misfueling easier, possibly resulting in emission test
failure for misfueled vehicles.
NOTE: Some U.S. and Canadian gasolines contain an octane enhancing additive called methyl-
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