C API User’s Manual
VIX_E_FILE_ERROR A file access error occurred on the host or guest
operating system.
VIX_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND A file was not found.
VIX_E_FILE_READ_ONLY The file is write-protected.
VIX_E_GUEST_OPERATIONS_PROHIBITED_ON_VM Guest operations are not allowed on this virtual
VIX_E_GUEST_OPERATIONS_PROHIBITED_ON_HOST Guest operations are not allowed on any virtual
machine on this host.
VIX_E_GUEST_USER_PERMISSIONS Insufficient permissions in guest operating system.
VIX_E_HOST_USER_PERMISSIONS Insufficient permissions in guest operating system.
VIX_E_INCORRECT_FILE_TYPE An error occurred while accessing a file: wrong file type.
VIX_E_INVALID_ARG One of the parameters was invalid.
VIX_E_INVALID_HANDLE The handle is not a valid Vix object.
VIX_E_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE Invalid property value.
VIX_E_INVALID_XML Invalid file - contents may be corrupt.
VIX_E_MISSING_ANON_GUEST_ACCOUNT VM configuration must specify guest account name to
be used for anonymous guest operations.
VIX_E_MISSING_REQUIRED_PROPERTY This handle is missing a required property.
VIX_E_NO_GUEST_OS_INSTALLED No operating system installed in the virtual machine.
VIX_E_NOT_FOUND Invalid file - a required section of the file is missing.
VIX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED The operation is not supported for the specified
VIX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_VM_VERSION The operation is not supported for this virtual machine
VIX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_HANDLE_TYPE The operation is not supported on this type of handle.
VIX_E_OBJECT_IS_BUSY This function cannot be performed because the handle
is in use by another function.
VIX_E_OP_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_GUEST The requested operation is not supported on this guest
operating system.
VIX_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY Memory allocation failed: out of memory.
VIX_E_PROGRAM_NOT_STARTED A program could not run on the guest operating
Error Meaning