Thermostat User Guide
Schedules is an optional menu item. It will only show up in the menu list if “Schedules” is enabled in the Installer settings
for the thermostat (See page 23). Provides for local schedule control. The Schedules Screen allows you to review and
set the setback schedule for the thermostat. The thermostat has a 4 x 7 schedule. Four times a day can be selected for
changes to the heating and cooling setpoints. Each day of the week can have a different schedule. Groups of days can
be copied with the same schedule. When the thermostat is set to “Run” mode, the schedule will be executed daily, with
the setpoints being changed as per that days schedule stored in the thermostat. “Hold” mode stops schedule operation
and holds the current setpoints until changed manually or by network commands.
The Schedules Screen gives you the option of setting a custom setback schedule or to load one of two preset schedules.
Menu Options
• HeatandCool:Youcanchangetheindividualday/hourandsetpointsfortheHeatingandCoolingscheduleby
selecting this menu item.
• Preset:Comfort:Thisisapresetschedulewithmildsetbacks.SelectthismenuitemtoloadtheComfort
schedule into the thermostat.
• Preset:EnergyStar:Thisisapresetschedulewithdeepersetbacks.SelectthismenuitemtoloadtheEnergy
Star schedule into the thermostat.
Schedules Screen
Heat and Cool
Preset: Comfort
Preset: Energy Star
Screen navigation buttons:
Return to Main Menu Screen
Select the schedule to view or modify
Move menu selection pointer up
Move menu selection pointer