PRESTIGE 7 Android Tablet Guide Book
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Network notification: by default, when Wi-Fi is on, you re-
ceive notifications in the Status bar when your device de-
tects an open Wi-Fi network. uncheck this option to turn
off notifications.
Keep Wi-Fi during sleep: To conserve mobile data usage,
your device stays connected to Wi-Fi when the screen goes
to sleep.
Touch this option to change this default behavior: either to
stay connected to Wi-Fi only when the device is connected
to a charger (when battery life isn’t a problem), or never to
stay connected to Wi-Fi during sleep.
This screen also displays the following information:
MAC address: The Media Access Control (MAC) address of
your device when connected to a Wi-Fi network.
IP address: The internet Protocol (IP) address assigned to
the device by the Wi-Fi network you are connected to
(unless you used the IP settings to assign it a static IP
To turn Wi-Fi on or off, go to Settings > Wireless &
networks > Wi-Fi.