
EDG-4508+/4516+ User Manual 82
The Port15 is type 422, idleto 30, idle
The Port16 is type 422, idleto 30, idle
[USAGE] port [nn | all] type [232|422|485]
[FUNCTION] sets the type of port(s)
>port 3 type 485
>port 3
The Port03 is type 485, idleto 30, idle
[USAGE] port [nn | all] idleto [0 - 65535]
[FUNCTION] sets the idle timeout of port(s)
>port 3 idelto 45
>port 3
The Port03 is type 485, idleto 45, idle
[USAGE] port [ nn | all ] netcfg [d.d.d.d:d | clear]
[Function] set/clear the net configuration of port(s)
>port 3 netcfg
Set the IP of port 3 to, and TCP port number to 6003.
[USAGE] port [nn | all] sercfg baud [n|o|e|m|s] [5|6|7|8] [1|1.5|2]
[FUNCTION] set the line configuration of port(s)
[n|o|e|m|s]: Parity setting
n: none
o: odd
e: even
m: mark
s: space
[5|6|7|8]: Data bit setting
[1|1.5|2]: Stop bit setting
[USAGE] port save
[F UN C TI ON ] s av es th e c on fi gu ra ti on of p or t t o s ys te m
Note You should use the net save command to
activate the change.