
Index 3
Global default host 3-6, 4-3, 4-5, 4-13,
Group number (location) 5-13, 6-13, 6-17,
6-27, 10-19, 10-37
Hardwired port
Compression 10-44
Creating 5-4, 6-12
Definition of 3-10, 10-37
Help 10-31
IP address 10-44
IPX network number 10-44
MTU 10-44
Packet filters 10-45
PPP async map 10-45
PPP/SLIP use 10-46
RIP messaging 10-46
Subnet mask 10-45
Viewing 10-34
HELP command 3-5
Global configuration 10-2
Location table 10-14
Net0 10-24
Port configuration 10-31
Routes table 10-49
SNMP 10-54
User table 10-57
High water mark 6-18, 6-27, 10-19, 10-20
Hop count (metric) 2-12, 10-5, 10-52, 10-53
Global alternate 10-3
Global default 4-3, 4-5, 4-13, 10-3
Port alternate 4-5, 10-41
Port default 4-3, 4-5, 4-9, 4-13
RADIUS user F-7
Random 1-3, 10-4
SNMP read/write 10-54, 10-56
User table parameter 4-3, 4-9, 10-60
Host device port
Configuration of 7-1–7-5, 10-35
Help 10-31
Host override 10-48
Overview 3-9
Viewing 10-34
Hosts table
Configuration 10-13
Overview 3-6
Hunt group 6-19
Host unreachable message 8-1
Logging error messages 1-3, 10-12
Packet filters 8-15
Idle time-out
Dial in port parameter 10-38
Location table parameter 6-28, 10-19,
IFCONFIG command 9-6–9-7
in.pmd (PortMux daemon) 4-6, 4-10, 7-1,
7-4, 9-3, 10-36, 10-42, 10-60
Initialization scripts
Creating 7-6–7-8
Overview 3-7
Input filter. See Packet Filters
Internet, registering addresses for 2-2
Broadcast address 10-27
Default gateway 2-12, 10-5
Default route broadcasting 10-6
Enable/disable 10-25
Packet filter rules 8-8–8-15
Reference material 2-2
IP address
Assigned addressing 5-8, 10-3, 10-62
Destination in routes table 10-52
Filtering packets by 8-8
Hardwired port 10-44
LAN port 2-7, 10-26
Location 5-12, 6-27, 10-17
Negotiated addresses 5-8, 6-15, 10-62
Network dial in user 5-8, 5-12, 6-22,
6-26, 10-62
Overview B-1
RADIUS user F-5
Reserved addresses B-4
Spoofing 1-2, 10-6
Addressing basics B-1
Default gateway 2-12, 10-5
Enable/disable 10-25
Frame type 2-9, 10-28
NetBIOS propagation 10-7
Packet filter rules 8-16–8-18
IPX network number
Filtering packets by 8-16, 8-18
Hardwired port 10-44
LAN port 2-9, 10-27
Location 6-15, 6-27, 10-17
Network dial in user 5-8, 5-16, 6-22,
6-26, 10-62
Overview B-1
Routes table parameter 10-53
Using CONFIG to find out 2-6