MS860 WiFi Manual
Data Editing is a powerful function that can give you tremendous
control over how data is exported from the MS860.
After clicking on “Data Editing” the data
editing icons become active.
Click on the icon with the blue
circle and white plus sign.
The “Define Formula” pop-up box to the
right appears, which is divided into two
sections: “Qualifier” and “Modifier”.
The Qualifier section defines the conditions that must be present for
the scanned data to be modified, such as which symbology it must be
(Codabar, Code 39, etc.), its specfic length, or what characters (de-
fined by a match string) the scanned data must contain.
When the conditions of the Qualifier are met, the data is then modified
according to the rules defined in the “Modifier”, below.
Data Editing
The Modifier section contains three selections: “From Original”, “Add
New”, and “Delete”.
From Original extracts the
desired data from the scan.
characters from the end of the string (“From Last Position”), or a
specified number of characters before or after a user-defined character
string (“After Matching”).
The Start Parameter defines the
beginning of the string of data that is
to be output. The start parameter
can either be defined by position
starting from the beginning (“From
Position”), or a specific number of
The End Parameter defines the end of the string of data that is to be
output. Three options are available: “Number Of Characters To Be
Output”, “All Remaining”, and “After Matching”. The first two are self-
explanatory. “After Matching” defines the end as a specified number of
characters before or after a user-defined character string.