unigreen 19
(for hydraulic systems)
Connect the delivery and discharge quick-fit coupling to the respective
connections, respecting the direction of flow.
The distributor inlet pipe is connected to the aluminium flow separator valve
next to the distributor.
The flow separator must be adjusted correctly so it sends less than 4-5 L/1°
to the distributor.
To prevent the cylinders moving at a dangerous speed, adjust the relevant
chokes near the cylinders. If the registration ringnuts aren’t visible then fixed
chokes are fitted. The chokes are fitted on the discharge line of the movement
to slow.
Any impurities in the oil could block the chokes and as a consequence block
the cylinder; remove the dirt if necessary. The maximum pressure valves of
the distributors are regulated to a pressure of around 150 bar.
To prevent the excessive heating of the oil we recommend supplying the
distributor of the sprayer only when the cylinders are being used.
We recommend having qualified personnel do any adjustments.
Pay attention to the integrity and efficiency of the hydraulic components and
in particular to the pipes to prevent the risk of bursting.
Do a full check on the pipes and components at least once a year, we
recommend replacing hydraulic pipes every 3-4 years.
Various types of jets are fitted; with a single or double head.
Generally they have a non-drip diaphragm and are made out of brass, suitable
for pressures up to 40 bar, some models are nickel plated.
The jets can be equipped with different types of nozzles, changing the locking
ringnuts. The jets used normally have high volume, Ø18, ceramic plates and
low volume conical nozzles (Albuz ATR or Teejet TXB). The jets for cannons
have a jet holder with adjustable delivery and spray that has high volume,
ceramic plates, Ø15 instead of 18.
All the jets normally used have three positions (FIG. 21):
a) spray - if the nozzle is pointing outwards, away from the blower group,
parallel with the non-drip valve
b) closed - if the nozzle is at 90° with respect to the non-drip valve or, for
the single jet if it is facing inwards towards the blower group
c) nozzle second spray - when these are pointing towards the outside of the
blower group parallel with the non-drip valve.
The nozzles are extremely important to obtain a correct distribution on the
vegetation to be treated. Poor quality or worn nozzles have a tendency to
create unevenly treated strips.
The nozzles are produced in various sizes, to work with a precise pressure
range, to create certain types of larger or smaller drops; using nozzles for a
purpose they are not envisaged for prejudices the precision and duration of
the nozzles.
Generally made of ceramics, these nozzles consist of various parts; the
actual nozzle, the stainless steel slinger and a series of seals. They are
particularly resistant to wear and are designed to work also at high-pressure
(25-45 bar) producing drops of an average size with strong turbulence. This
turbulence makes them suitable for penetrating luxuriant vegetation and so
they are suitable for fungicides and insecticides. There are various sizes and
the capacities are indicated in table N° 1, page 34.
FIG. 21