Tone Period Programming
Tone Period is the duration of one tone in a SElCALL ID sequence. The setting of this
parameter depends on the application. On long distance communications, where the
signal strength of the transmitted information is greatly reduced and affected by noise,
it is advisable to use a longer tone period. A long tone period gives the decoder more
time and information to check and evaluate the code.
Important Note: Ensure all radios in your group use the same tone period setting,
otherwise, you will not be able to selectively call one another.
To change the Tone Period setting.
From the main menu, using the... or T key, go to the Tone Period Programming Menu.
(If you have never changed the Tone Period, the default setting is 40 mSec)
TSO ,-, '
DIID ,-Cl i~
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Press the MEM key to start programming. The Tone Period on display will flash. This
indicates that you can now change the setting.
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,- Cl
.. .
To change, use the... or T key.
You can select either, 40,70, 100
or 20 mSec.
When completed, pressthe MEMto store
the new Tone Period setting into the
memory .
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