Using Tone-Out
• - Sets the name for the selected tone-
out setting.
• — Sets the tone-outs RF
frequency parameters.
— Enter the desired
frequency that the scanner should monitor for
the tone-out.
— Set the modulation type
for the paging signal.
—The scanner uses the default
modulation for the frequency band. If the
default modulation is AM or WFM, the
modulation operates as FM.
— The scanner uses FM for the frequency
band. This is the default setting.
— The scanner uses NFM modulation.
— Turn the scroll control to
select or .
• Set Tone — Sets the audio tone frequency for
the page.
— Set the audio frequency
for Tone A
— Set the audio frequency
for Tone B
• For two-tone pages, enter a value for A and B.
• For one-tone pages using short tones of less
than 3.75 seconds, enter the tone value for A,
and 0 (zero) for B.
• For long-tone pages, such as group pages of
more than 3.75 seconds, enter 0 (zero) for A
and the tone value for B.
Edit Name
Set Frequency
Edit Frequency
Set Modulation
Set Attenuaton
On Off
Edit Tone A
Edit Tone B