Triple Watch
Triple Watch mode monitors channels 16 and
9 while monitoring the currently selected
channel for a signal. The marine radio checks
channel 16 and channel 9 for activity every
2 seconds.
To select
Triple Watch mode
press and hold the
button for two
seconds. A double
confirmation tone sounds.
☞ While in Triple Watch mode you can use
the select channels using the ▲ and ▼
chan button, or monitor channels 16 or 9
by pressing and releasing the 16/9 button.
To exit Triple Watch, press and hold
for two seconds. A double confirmation
tone sounds.
☞ If Weather Alert is active, it also checks the
weather channel every 7 seconds.
Weather Alert
Weather Alert lets your HH940 function as a
severe weather warning radio. With Weather
Alert turned on, when the NOAA issues a
severe weather warning, the HH940 sounds
an alert tone and you will hear the emergency
weather broadcast.
1. To select Weather
Alert, press and
for two
seconds. A double
confirmation tone
2. To turn off weather
alert, press and hold
for two seconds.
A double
confirmation tone
Wed Jun 03 15:30:15 1998
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