How Squelch Works
Think of “SQUELCH” as a gate. If the gate is too low (squelch
too low), everything (all noise as well as signals) gets through.
If the gate is set too high (squelch too high), nothing gets
If the gate is set just right (squelch set properly), just the desired
signals get through.
Setting the Squelch
1. To set the squelch, press HOLD/RESUME to stop scanning.
If needed, adjust VOL until you do not hear a signal (see
page 17).
2. Turn SQL fully clockwise until hiss heard.
This lowers the “squelch gate,” allowing all signals and noise
to get through.
3. Turn SQL fully counterclockwise just until hiss stops.
This raises the “squelch gate,” allowing only strong signals to
get through.
In the city, you may want to adjust the Squelch even further
counterclockwise to decrease the range of the Highway Warning
Alert signal.
This prevents the alert from sounding unnecessarily due to
farther, less important sources.