
Unibrain Fire-i 530/630/830 Operation Manual Page 22
Status Control Register
Address Name Field Bit Description
Presence_Inq [0] Presence of this feature. 0:N/A 1:Available
Abs_Control [1] Absolute value control
0: Control with value in the Value field
1: Control with value in the Absolute value CSR
If this bit = 1, value in the Value field is ignored.
- [2..4] Reserved
One_Push [5]
Write ‘1’ :begin to work(Self cleared after
Read: Value=’1’ in operation
Value=’0’ not in operation
If A_M_Mode =1, this bit is ignored
ON_OFF [6] Write: ON or OFF this feature,
Read: read a status
0:OFF, 1:ON
If this bit=0, other fields will be read only.
A_M_Mode [7] Write: set the mode,
Read: read a current mode
0: Manual, 1:Auto
- [8..19] U Value / B_Value.
Write the value in AUTO mode, this field is
If “ReadOut” capability is not available,, read
value has no mean
Value [20..31] V Value / R_Value
Write the value in AUTO mode, this field is
If ”ReadOut” capability is not available, read value
has no meaning
3.5. Hue
Color models support Hue control which changes the color phase of the picture by adjusting the Green gain. You
may use this feature when white balance correction adjusting Red and Blue value does not give satisfying result.
3.6. Gamma
Gamma control defines the function between incoming light level and output picture level. The Factory default
setting for Gamma is set to 1.0. Gamma value is adjustable in the range of 0.4 ~ 2.5 as per the table below.
For Gamma control inquiry and status register, follow the same definition as BRIGHTNESS”.