Unibrain Fire-i 580/780/785/980 Operation Manual Page 36
3.13. Strobe Control Register
Base Address: 0xF2F23000h
Address Name Field Bit Description
000h Strobe_CTRL_Inq Strobe_0_Inq [0] Presence of strobe 0 signal
Strobe_1_Inq [1] Presence of strobe 1 signal
Strobe_2_Inq [2] Presence of strobe 2 signal
Strobe_3_Inq [3] Presence of strobe 3 signal
- [4..31] Reserved
100h Strobe_0_Inq Presence_Inq [0] Presence of this function
- [1..3] Reserved
Capability of reading the value of this
Capability of switching this function ON
and OFF
Capability of changing polarity of the
- [7] Reserved
Min_Value [8..19] Minimum value of this function control
Max_Value [20..31] Maximum value of this function control
104h Strobe_1_Inq Same definition to Strobe_0_Inq
Strobe_2_Inq Same definition to Strobe_1_Inq
Strobe_3_Inq Same definition to Strobe_2_Inq
200h Strobe_0_Cnt Presence_Inq
Presence of this function
0:N/A 1: Available
- [1..5] Reserved
ON_OFF [6]
Write : ON or OFF this function
Read: read a status 0: OFF, 1: ON
if this bit=0, other fields will be read only
Signal Polarity [7]
Select signal polarity
If Polarity_Inq is “1” Write to change
polarity of the strobe output Read to get
polarity of the strobe output
If Polarity_Inq is “0” Read only ( 0: lowa
active output, 1: High active output)
Delay_Value [8..19]
Delay after start of exposure until the
strobe signal asserts
Duration_Value [20..31]
Duration of the strobe signal
A value 0 means dessert at the end of
exposure function if required.
204h Strobe_1_Cnt Same definition to Strobe_0_Inq
208h Strobe_2_Cnt Same definition to Strobe_1_Inq
20Ch Strobe_3_Cnt Same definition to Strobe_2_Inq