
This unique, simple, and safe system is
easy to use and understand.
The user first sets their personal maximums
bbootthh ssppeeeedd aanndd ggrraaddee..
This allows the
user to customize and create a variety of
workouts. By setting personal maximums
for speed and grade, the user is provided
safe workouts that fit their capabilities. Once
this data is entered, along with target heart
rate and workout time, the user is ready to
start their Heart Rate Control workout.
The initial stage of the Heart Rate Control
workout is the warm-up stage and allows the
user the flexibility to adjust their speed or
grade at anytime. The warm-up stage is not
predetermined by the amount of time input
prior to workout, and the user may take as
much time as they wish to approach their
target heart rate. The warm-up stage ends
when the user’s heart rate is ten beats below
the pre-set target heart rate.
At this point, the user enters the Heart Rate
Control stage, and the treadmill takes control
of both the speed and grade (hands free).
The treadmill software gradually increases
the user’s heart rate to within 10 beats of the
target heart rate.
In the situation where workload needs to be
increased in order to elevate the heart rate,
the speed will be increased first in 1/10 mph
If needed, the speed will continue to
increase up to the pre-set maximum. If the
user still requires additional workload to raise
the heart rate, the grade will be raised in .5%
increments up to the maximum pre-set grade
(unless zero grade was entered).
Conversely, whenever the workload needs
to be reduced in order to lower the heart rate,
the grade is always reduced first. The grade
will be reduced to zero (if required), before
speed is reduced.
EExxaammppllee ##11::
A user who physically cannot walk over
2.5 mph can safely use heart rate
control by entering maximum speed of
2.5 in a Heart Rate Control workout.
EExxaammppllee ##22::
A runner can run up to a maximum
speed of 10 mph, without hills, by
entering a maximum speed of 10 mph
and a maximum grade of 0%.
EExxaammppllee ##33::
A walker enters a maximum speed of
4.0 mph and a maximum grade of 6%.
The walker is limited to a maximum
speed of 4.0 mph and grade will be
used if required to elevate the heart
rate up to a maximum of 6%.
True Target Heart Rate Control: How It Works
You are now the owner of the most sophisticated
Heart Rate Control treadmill available. The TRUE
HRC is unique and patented. It accommodates
users in rehabilitation to world class athletes, and
all those in between. The TRUE HRC treadmill
allows you to do a completely hands free heart rate
controlled workout using speed, grade or both. The
user determines all the key parameters of the HRC
workout, including speed, grade, time, and target
heart rate.
By training at a specific target heart rate, you can
exercise at a more efficient cardiovascular level.
The TRUE HRC system is unique because you
can enter the key parameters of your workout,
target heart rate, maximum speed, maximum grade,
and time, prior to beginning your HRC workout. As
you approach your target heart rate, the treadmill
software takes over and changes speed and/or
grade to keep you near your target heart rate. This
gives you a completely “hands free” workout.
Before selecting a target heart rate control workout, it
is important to use the treadmill for several workouts
in the manual mode while monitoring your heart rate.
You can monitor your heart rate during workouts by
wearing the heart rate transmitter included with your
treadmill. Your heart rate will automatically appear in
the lower right hand window, and the heart shaped
light will blink to indicate a signal is being received.
After you have spent some time learning how your
heart reacts to different levels of speed and grade,
you will have a better understanding of how to select
the maximum speed and maximum grade required to
reach your target heart rate.
11.. TTaarrggeett HHeeaarrtt RRaattee TTrraaiinniinngg
Preset your target heart rate, maximum speed,
maximum grade, and time of workout. These are
time-based workouts. The distance traveled will
vary depending on speed.
22.. IInntteerrvvaall HHeeaarrtt RRaattee TTrraaiinniinngg
Interval heart rate training takes your workout to
an even higher level. Interval training allows you to
program periods of rest between periods of work.
For each workout, you enter target heart rate,
maximum speed, maximum grade, duration of
workout, and duration of work and rest intervals.
These are time-based workouts. The distance
traveled will depend on your speed.
33.. CCrruuiissee CCoonnttrrooll
Manual workout with heart rate transmitter. When
you reach desired heart rate, press cruise control
key and it’s hands-free.
44.. MMaannuuaall WWoorrkkoouutt::
This is a completely user controlled workout. You
control the speed and the grade throughout your
workout. Your heart rate may be monitored during
this workout, but it is not heart rate controlled.
55.. PPrrooggrraammss::
There are 4 preprogrammed workouts:
• Hill Intervals
• Weight Loss workout
• Cardiovascular workout
• Speed Interval workout
Each workout has 9 levels of intensity. The
treadmill controls both the speed and grade.
These are not heart rate controlled, but will
monitor heart rate.
Duration of programs are 15:00 to 99:00 minutes.
66.. TToo IInnccrreeaassee WWoorrkkllooaadd iinn HHeeaarrtt RRaattee CCoonnttrrooll::
To raise your heart rate in the HRC mode, speed
will always increase until maximum speed is
attained, followed by grade (if grade is used in the
77.. TToo DDeeccrreeaassee WWoorrkkllooaadd iinn HHeeaarrtt RRaattee CCoonnttrrooll::
To lower heart rate in the HRC mode, grade will
always decrease until zero grade is reached,
followed by speed (if grade is used in the workout).
88.. SSppeeeedd CChhaannggee::
Each change in speed is in .1 MPH increments.
99.. GGrraaddee CChhaannggee::
Each change in grade is in .5% grade increments.
Cardiointeractive & Heart Rate Control