
“Our original goal was to build the
world’s best treadmills, and today we
believe we’re doing it!”
— Frank Trulaske
In 1981, Frank Trulaske launched True Fitness
Technology, Inc. and began manufacturing
hand-crafted treadmills.
His team’s obsession with quality has propelled
True to the top of the industry and has created
one of America’s oldest, largest and most
respected treadmill manufacturers. True’s
131,000 square foot facility just outside
St. Louis, Missouri, houses the manufacturing
plant, engineering laboratory and testing facility.
Over the years, True has designed, developed
and fabricated new and cutting-edge
components for their complete residential and
commercial treadmill line, including innovative
frame and suspensions systems.
Intensive quality control standards guarantee
excellence in every phase of production, resulting
in the finest treadmills available in the
marketplace. Today, True is the choice for
workouts among beginners, rehab patients and
world-class athletes. True treadmills are
consistently rated #1 in smoothness, quietness
and softness.
True will continue to develop new and innovative
products with
IInntteelllliiggeenntt EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg ffoorr aa lloonngg
Thank You
For Selecting
A True
The serial number of your treadmill is
located on a plate next to the power cord
on the frame. Record the serial number
Serial Number
NNOOTTEE:: TThhee sseerriiaall nnuummbbeerr mmuusstt rreemmaaiinn
iinnttaacctt ffoorr tthhee wwaarrrraannttyy ttoo rreemmaaiinn vvaalliidd..
PPlleeaassee cchheecckk yyoouurr sseerriiaall ## IIDD ttoo vveerriiffyy iitt
hhaass nnoott bbeeeenn ttaammppeerreedd wwiitthh,, rreemmoovveedd oorr
The engineering and design of True Treadmills
is the result of consultation with medical
professionals in the cardiac rehabilitation and
orthopedic sectors.
Our service and support personnel work in
unison with our extensive factory trained dealer
network to provide fast, friendly and
knowledgeable response to customer needs.
If you have any questions or comments,
please call us toll free at 1-800-426-6570
The industry’s most modern treadmill
manufacturing facility located just
outside St. Louis, Missouri. Over
135,000 square feet is dedicated to
treadmill research, design and