Table 20: Analog Inputs
Description Terminals Function Range
Zone TB3-1 Zone temperature input 5 to 122 F (-15 to 50 C)
Ground TB3-2 Analog ground NA
Set TB3-3 Setpoint input 40 to 115 F (4.4 to 46.1 C)
Fan TB3-4 Fan switch input
OFF = 4821 to 4919 Ohms
AUTO = 2297 to 2342 Ohms
Ground TB3-6 Analog ground NA
Analog Input 1 J3-1 Leaving water
-40 to 212 F (-40 to 100 C)
J3-2 Analog ground NA
Analog Input 2 J3-3 Discharge air temperature -40 to 212 F (-40 to 100 C)
J3-4 Analog ground NA
Table 19: Binary Outputs
Description Terminals
Load Energized Load De-energized
Binary Output 1 J1-1 12 VA 1 VAC RMS (typical) 24 VAC RMS (typical)
Binary Output 2 J1-2 12 VA 1 VAC RMS (typical) 24 VAC RMS (typical)
Binary Output 3 J1-4 NOT USED
Binary Output 4 J1-5 12 VA 1 VAC RMS (typical) 24 VAC RMS (typical)
Binary Output 5 J1-6 12 VA 1 VAC RMS (typical) 24 VAC RMS (typical)
Binary Output 6 J1-7 12 VA 1 VAC RMS (typical) 24 VAC RMS (typical)
Table 18: Binary Inputs
Description Terminals Function
Binary Input 1 J2-1 24
J2-2 Input
Binary Input 2 J2-3 24
J2-4 Input
Binary Input 3 J2-5 24
J2-6 Input