
¾ Server name: Choose the DDNS Server from the list.
¾ User ID: Enter the user ID for authentication necessary for DDNS connections. Type it up to
64 characters.
¾ Password: Enter the password for authentication necessary for DDNS connections. Type it
up to 32 characters.
¾ Re-type password: Re-type the password to confirm.
¾ Host name: Enter the host name that is registered to the DDNS server.
¾ Periodical Update: Choose Auto, and the DDNS information will update automatically;
choose Periodical and select a time from the pull-down list (take 5 minutes for example), and
the DDNS information will update every 5 minutes.
How to apply DDNS username and Host name?
You can apply DDNS username and Host name by the following steps:
1. Log in http://www.dyndns.org
, click the Create Account.