Sharpness: The value range is 0~100. It applies image processing techniques to adjust the
sharpness of live view. However, the higher the value is, more the noise is.
Default: After the adjustment of all setting, you can still click Default to make the setting back to the
original setting.
Backlight Compensation: Tick the box to enable the backlight compensation function.
White Balance: Choose the white balance among Auto, Florescent, Incandescent, Sunny and
5.3.4 Video
On this page, you can optimize the video by adjusting its Resolution, Maximum Frame rate and Light
Resolution: Select the video resolution among 640×480, 320×240 and 160×120.
Maximum Frame rate: Select the maximum frame rate among 30, 20, 15, 10, 7, 5 and 1.
Light Frequency: Select the light frequency among Auto, 60Hz and 50Hz.
5.3.5 Audio
Select On to enable the audio; select Off to disable it.
5.3.6 Camera setting
On this page, you can set the Camera Name and whether the LED is on or off.