From the Start screen, you can just start typing to search for what you
want. From there, you can easily switch between results for apps, files, and
Use the Windows Charms to start apps, find documents, set up system
components, and perform most other computing tasks.
By pointing the mouse pointer to the upper or lower right corner of your
screen, you will find a list of charms: Search, Share, Start, Devices and
Search This Charm allows you to search your computer
(apps, settings and files), the web, or within an
Share This Charm allows you to share items (links,
photos, and more).
Start This Charm takes you to the Start screen or, if
already on the Start screen, returns you to your
last app.
Devices This Charm allows you to manage your
Settings This Charm allows you to access your
computer’s settings (volume, brightness,
connecting to the internet, and more).
Tiles can be accessed and launched from the Start screen.
Typical Start screen tiles are the Desktop tile and Mail tile, as well as tiles
representing all other applications downloaded to your system.
Windows Store
Although many applications will be pre-installed or built-in to your
computer, you will also have the ability to download many other
applications at the click of your mouse.
In the Windows Store you can search for and browse thousands of apps,
all grouped into easy to find categories.
Windows offers a number of sign-in options including Password( ),
PIN( ) and Picture password( ) authentication to prevent from
User's Manual 2-