motherboard—The computer’s main circuit board that
contains the processor, memory, and other primary
mount—To initialize the external storage device for transferring
and storing files.
multimedia—A combination of two or more media, such as
sound, animation, and video in an application or
network—A collection of computers and associated devices
that are connected by communications facilities. A network
allows you to share data and peripheral devices, such as
printers, with other users and to exchange electronic mail.
non-interlaced—A method of refreshing the tablet screen, in
which each pixel of every line is refreshed as the electron
beam scans across and down the screen. Compare
online—Available through a computer. Online may refer to
information being read from your own computer’s internal
storage drive, such as online documentation or online Help,
or to information coming from another company on a
company network or the Internet.
operating system—A set of programs that controls how the
tablet device works.
password—A unique string of characters entered by a user to
verify his or her identity to a computer or the network.
peripheral—Any device, such as a mouse or keyboard, that is
attached to the tablet and controlled by the tablet’s CPU.
pixel—Short for “picture element.” The smallest dot that can be
produced on a screen or printer.
Plug and Play—Generally, refers to the tablet’s ability to
automatically configure itself to work with peripheral devices.
When capitalized, refers to a standard that, when followed
by a device manufacturer, allows the tablet to configure itself
automatically to work with the device.
port—A socket on the tablet where you plug in a cable for
connection to a peripheral device.