Getting Started
Customizing your Home screens
Customizing your Home screens
You can add Apps icons, Widgets, Bookmark shortcuts, and other
items to any available free space on any Home screen. You can also
change the Wallpaper.
For more information on the Home screens, see “Navigation and
features” on page 47.
Adding an item to a Home screen
1 Open the Home screen you want to add the item to. For more
information on using the Home screens, see “Navigation and
features” on page 47.
2 Touch the Customize ( ) button located at the top-right of the
screen or touch & hold an empty area of the Home screen.
3 Touch the category of the item you want to add. If there are no
empty spots on the Home screen, “Add” is dimmed and you
must delete or move an item or switch to another Home screen
before you can add a new item.
4 In the pop-up menu, touch the tab for the category of the item
you want to add.
❖ App shortcuts—Application icons you can place on your
Home screen. Touching them opens the associated apps
without having to first open the Apps screen.
❖ Widgets—Miniature applications. You can place the
associated icons on the Home screen.
❖ Wallpapers—Background images downloaded from the
Web or chosen from the Gallery (pictures taken with your
camera, or still images included with the system). A live
wallpaper is an animated scene or maybe a map that
centers on your location.
❖ More—This category includes Browser bookmark
shortcuts, shortcuts created in the Maps app, and many
more items.
5 Swipe your finger left or right to view additional items in each
6 Touch & hold the item, and then drag it to the location you
wish to place it on the Home screen.