PA3927U-1PRP dynadock U3.0 12/30/2011
Product Dimensions
(without base plate):
47 mm (W) x 77 mm (D) x 228 mm (H)
1.8” x 3.0” x 8.9”
dynadock™ U3.0 universal USB 3.0
docking statio with dual HD video for
all Windows® based computers
Product Dimensions with
base plate:
114 mm (W) x 130 mm (D) x 236 mm (H)
4.5” x 5.1” x 9.3”
Product weight with base:
205 mm x 297 mm x 100mm
8.1” x11.7” x 4.0”
Available from January 2012
One (1) Year Standard Limited
Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows
Vista®, Windows® 7
Any Windows®-based computer with a USB 3.0 or 2.0 port
dynadock U3.0, base plate, USB 3.0 cable, AC adapter and power cord, DVI to VGA adapter, CD (user’s manual,
install drivers, warranty information), quick start guide
Toshiba recommends that you keep your dynadock™ up-to-date by visiting
www.support.toshiba.com periodically to download updated software drivers.
Note: This docking station cannot be used as a power source
for your computer and will not charge your computer battery.
Easy Setup
1.6GHz or higher processor. Intel® Pentium®/Celeron® family, or AMD K6®/AMD Athlon™/AMD Duron™
family, or compatible processor recommended (Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 1.4 GB or higher processor
recommended for optimal performance)
1GB memory or higher (2 GB or higher recommended)
USB 3.0 or 2.0 port (3.0 recommended for optimal performance)
50 MB of available disk space
CD-ROM drive (or Internet access to support.toshiba.com to download driver installation software)
Operating System:
Microsoft® Windows® XP
o 32-bit edition with SP2/SP3
Microsoft® Windows Vista®
o 32-bit edition or 64-bit edition with SP1
Microsoft® Windows® 7
32-bit edition or 64-bit edition
Power requirements: Input: AC 100-240V