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When using this product for the B-SP2D, B-EP2DL-G or B-EP4DL-G, set the printer mode to “TPCL-LE”,
“TPCL-LE1”, “TPCL”, or “TPCL1” by using the Printer Setting Tool or the keys on the printer. For the key
operations, refer to the B-EP Series Key Operation Specification.
When a device font is used, the actual print result looks different from the print preview. Print the label
format, and check and adjust the label format.
RFID fonts are not supported.
The stock sizes, A4, A5, and A6, shown in this product do not define the paper size in DEVMODE
(DMPAPER_A4, DMPAPER_A5, and DMPAPER_A6). They are the stock IDs unique to this product.
The following table shows the stock IDs for the standard stock types registered to the printer driver.
When a new stock type is additionally registered, an ID will be assigned in the order of registration,
starting from 257. The stock ID can be changed on the Edit Stock screen. Use these IDs when
specifying or checking a stock size of dmPaperSize.
Stock ID
Stock name
Current Old
USER 256 256
2x4 32000 257
4x4 32001 258
4x6 32002 259
200x85 32004 260
A4 32005 261
A5 32006 262
A6 32007 263
JAMA L 32010 267
JAMA M 32011 268
JAMA S 32012 269
Form-F 32009 270
Form-A 32008 271
185x85 32003 272
6x4 32013 ---
2x2 32014 ---
In the case an export file of the previous version is imported, the preset paper settings may be reset.
After importing the preset settings, check the settings.
When Access2007 is used, some paper names may not be correctly shown. To set the paper names,
click the [Page Setup] and open the “Edit Stock” dialog.
When the LPT or COM port configuration is changed under Windows Vista/Server2008, conduct it with
administrative privilege.
When the port configuration is changed under
Windows Vista/Server2008, the dialog box on the
right may be displayed. In this case, change the
port configuration with administrative privilege.
The IDs for the standard stock types have been totally changed from Version
7.2 M-2, which causes mismatching in the IDs between the older printe
driver and the new printer driver. Therefore, when printing is performed
from the application which manages the stock types for Excel, Access, etc.
by their IDs assigned by the older printer driver version, a wrong stock ma
be selected.
In this case, change the stock IDs back to the former ones using the
following procedure.
(1) For the user-added stocks, import the settings of the previous printe
driver to the new printer driver. (User-added stocks are imported with
their original IDs.)
(2) For the standard stock types, the stock IDs registered to the new printe
driver are unchangeable. So, select the standard stock type, click on the
[New], and save it as a new stock assigning the former ID listed the table
on the left.
The stock list is sorted by ascending order of stock name (Symbol, number,
alphabet, Kana, and Kanji), regardless of the stock ID.