
Postmark by September 11, 2007 to:
Satellite Offer
Toshiba Fulfillment Center (Offer M0023070)
P.O. Box 9489, Young America, MN 55558-9489
REBATES: This mail-in rebate offer isvalid onlywith purchases
from June 26, 2007 to August 11, 2007of the Satellite A215-S4767
(part #PSAEGU-00Y00V).
Otheroffers orrebates: This rebate maynotbe combined,andis not
validin conjunctionwithotherToshibaoffersor rebatesfor the same
Eligibleparticipants: Toqualifyforthisrebate, EndUsermustbea
legalU.S.resident18yearsofage orolder. Onlytheactualpurchaser
ofthe qualifyingproduct(s)may participate.Toshiba Enterprisedirect
EndUserandToshiba distributors,resellers, andemployeesof
rebate. The rebate checkmustbe presentedforpaymentwithinthe
periodspecifiedon thecheck (or120daysfromthedateof thecheck
ifnot specified).Ifnot presentedintime,the checkwillbe void andthe
rebateunavailable.End User mustkeepcopies ofallmaterialssent.
Materials received become theproperty ofToshibaand will not be
returned.Pleaseallow 6-8weeks forreceiptof check.Forfasterpro-
cessing ofrebateclaim, orto trackthestatusofthe rebate,go to
www.web-rebates.com/toshiba orcall1-888-221-4317 (7:00AM-
7:00PMMST,M-F).Toshiba isnotresponsible for lost,lateormisdi-
rectedmail. Itis illegalto submitmultiplerebaterequests forthe
sameproduct purchased. Useofmultipleaddressesor P.O.boxesto
obtainmultiplerebatesisfraudulentand couldresultin federal prose-
cutionundertheU.S.Mail Fraud Statutes (18 USC, Sections 1341-
Restrictions: Onlyonerebateper qualifyingpurchaseandlimitone
rebateperhousehold. Valid whilesupplieslastforpurchases madein
the50 UnitedStates,Puerto Ricoand theDistrictofColumbiaonly.
Refurbished,usedor“B” stockproductsare noteligible.Promotion is
void whereprohibitedorrestrictedby law.
Noticesand disclaimers: Toshiba reservestherightto modifyor
withdraw this promotionatany time.If EndUserfails tochoose
betweenthecashrebateoption, theToshiba15.4”Ballistic Nylon
CarryingCaseandToshiba 512MBUSBFlashDriveor Toshiba 120W
ACAdapteror ifEnd User'schoiceis unclear onEndUser'sclaim
form,Toshiba will,at itssole discretion,provideeither thecashback
option,theToshiba 15.4”BallisticNylon Carrying Case and Toshiba
512MB USB FlashDriveor Toshiba 120W ACAdapter. Ifthe Toshiba
15.4” BallisticNylon Carrying Case and Toshiba512MB USBFlash
Driveor Toshiba120WACAdapter arenot available, thecashback
optionwillbe applied.EndUsermay not changeEndUser'schoice,as
indicated ontheclaimformonce End User'sclaimformissubmitted
toToshiba.Toshiba productsmaynot bereturned for refund oncethe
rebateform has been submitted.Failure tosubmitany oftherequest-
eddocumentationwilldelayor preventrebateissuance.Toshibaalso
reservestherightto interprettherules ofthispromotion atitssole
discretionandalldecisionsmadeby Toshibaarefinal.Toshiba isnot
responsibleforany liabilities, taxesorexpensesincurredby EndUser
asa resultof this promotion. ©2007Toshiba America Information
Systems, Inc. All rightsreserved.
Rebate Offer Period, Eligible Products.
To get your rebate faster:
1. Go to www.web-rebates.com/toshiba/M0023070.
2. Click “pre-qualify online.” Enter UPC number. Enter contact
information and clearly check the box next to your offer choice.*
3. Print out Confirmation form. Enclose the complete product label
cut away from the Satellite Computer box that includes the UPC
code and numbers, Toshiba Part Number and Serial Number.
4. Enclose a clean, clear copy of the original receipt/packing slip
dated from June 26, 2007 to August 11, 2007, indicating your
purchase and mail it to the address below along with the com-
plete product label cut from the Satellite Computer box.
To track the status of your rebate go to www.web-rebates.com/toshiba/M0023070
Address: _____________________________________________ Apt #: ____________
State: _________________________________ Zip: _____________________________
Phone: (________) ______________________ Fax: (________) ___________________
Serial Number: _____________________________________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________________
(wewillnotify you oncewe havereceived youroffersubmission)
Allinformationmustbe filled incompletelyto receiveyourrebate.
The Toshiba 15.4” Ballistic NylonCase,120WACAdapter and Toshiba 512MB USB 2.0
Flash Drive areavailable whilesupplieslast.Otherwisethe$50 cash backoptionwill apply.
Toshiba 15.4” Ballistic Nylon Carrying
Case and Toshiba 512MB USB 2.0
Flash Drive
Toshiba 120W AC Adapter
$50 cash back option
Offline instructions:
1. Enclose this completed coupon.
2. Clearly check the box next to your offer choice.*
3. Enclose the complete product label cut away
from the Satellite Computer box that includes
the UPC code and numbers, Toshiba Part
Number and Serial Number.
4. Enclose a clean, clear copy of the original
receipt/packing slip dated from June 26, 2007 to
August 11, 2007, indicating your purchase and
mail it to the address below along with the com-
plete product label cut from the Satellite
Computer box.