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1. Close the self relieving shutoff valve. The gure below
shows the handle in the closed position.
2. Start the compressor.
3. Drain the Petcock by pushing it off center.
4. Adjusting the air regulator:
The air motor is designed for a maximum air input of 120
psi. Turn the T-Handle clockwise to increase pressure
and counter-clockwise to decrease pressure. Verify the
amount of air pressure by reading the air gauge.
Paint pressure is directly proportional to the amount of air
Example: Commander 30:1
100 psi reading at air gauge = 3000 psi at pump outlet.
Consult the materials manufacturer for guidelines in establishing
the correct air pressure.
NOTE: Using a higher pressure than required will only
wear out tips. Use the guidelines in establishing
the lowest pressures for proper atomization.
Once the correct air pressure has been established, lock the air
regulator by tightening the lock nut.
5. Place the siphon hose in the compatible ushing uid.
A water soluble oil was used to test your new sprayer at
the factory. You must clean the system before spraying to
avoid contamination of the sprayed material.
• If you are spraying a water-based latex, ush with warm
soapy water followed by a clean water rinse.
• If you are using any other coating, ush with warm
soapy water followed by a solvent. Check with the
material manufacturer for a compatible solvent.
6. Place waste container below bleed line.
7. Open pressure bleed valve.
8. Open self-relieving vented shutoff valve. The handle
should now be in line with the valve.
9. The Automatic Lubricator was set at the factory for the
correct injection rate. Do not adjust the lubricator until it is
necessary to rell the reservoir. The lubricator is lled with
AirCare™ lubricant. See gure below.
10. After relling the reservoir, the automatic lubricator will
need adjusting. Turn the adjusting screw clockwise
to increase the AirCare™ injection rate and counter-
clockwise to decrease it.
Check the injection rate by observing the ow through the
sight dome. The proper ow rate is 1 drop of AirCare™
per minute or every 90-125 cycles. In cold weather when
icing may occur, increase to one drop every 50-60 cycles.
Operation at very high cycle rates (i.e. greater than 60) will
require a higher AirCare™ injection rate.
IMPORTANT: Use only Titan AirCare™ Part No. 311-011
lubricant. Use of any detergent-type lubricants will cause a
serious problem with the pump and void the warranty.
11. Close the pressure bleed valve. The system is now under