Side and Rear Flail Maintenance Section 4-6
©2011 Alamo Group Inc.
Vibration 1. Loose Bolts 1. Check all bolts and tighten to
recommended torque specs.
2. Cutter assembly 2a. Check for damaged blades, disc
Unbalanced or cuttershaft. Replace if needed.
2b. Check for wire, rope, etc.
entangled in the cutter assembly
Mower will not lift 1. Hyd. Fluid Low 1. Check and refill hydraulic fluid
2. Leaks in line 2. Tighten or replace fittings and hoses
3. Faulty relief valve 3. Check pressure in line. Line
pressure should be at least 2500 PSI
4. Kinked or blocked 4. Clean or replace lines
5. Faulty cylinder 5. Inspect, repair or replace cylinder
Mower will not start 1. Blown fuse 1. Check fuse between mower switch
or run and ignition/replace
2. Ball valves closed 2. Make sure valves are open
3. Low oil level 3. Check hydraulic tank and fill
4. Line leak 4. Check all fittings and lines,
re-tighten or replace
5. Electronic 5a. Without the tractor running, turn
solenoid faulty the mower switch to on. A low
audible click is not heard if the
solenoid is engaging the solenoid
spool. If click is not heard, leave
switch in on position and with a
screwdriver or other steel object,
touch the small nut on the end of the
solenoid. If the metallic object is not
attracted to the nut, check the fuse
and wiring for an open circuit. If the
object is attracted but no “click” is
heard, replace the solenoid.
5b. Remove the four bolts holding the
small block to the main block. Lift
and remove small block being
careful not to damage O-rings/filter.
Clean filter and re-install.