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1.6 Hardware Installation, MSP-FET430Pxx0 (‘P120, ‘P140, ‘P410, ‘P430, ‘P440)
1) Use the 25-conductor cable to connect the FET Interface module to the
parallel port of your PC.
2) Use the 14-conductor cable to connect the FET Interface module to the
supplied Target Socket module.
3) Ensure that the MSP430 device is securely seated in the socket, and that its
pin 1 (indicated with a circular indentation on the top surface) aligns with the
“1” mark on the PCB.
4) Ensure that the two jumpers (LED and Vcc) near the 2x7 pin male connector
are in place. Pictorials of the Target Socket module and its parts are
presented in Appendix B.
1.7 Hardware Installation, USB-IF, MSP-FET430UIF
Use the USB cable to connect the USB-FET Interface module to a USB port of
your PC. The USB FET should be recognized instantly as the USB device
driver should have been installed already with the Kickstart SW. If for any
reason the Install Wizard starts, respond to the prompts and point the wizard
to the driver files which are located in directory: <Installation
Root>\Embedded Workbench x.x\430\bin\WinXP. Detailed driver installation
instructions can be found in Appendix F.
After connecting to a PC the USB FET performs a selftest where the red LED
flashes for about 2 seconds. If the selftest passed successfully, the green
LED lits permanently.
Use the 14-conductor cable to connect the USB-FET Interface module to a
target board, such as an MSP430-FETPxxx Target Socket Module.
Ensure that the MSP430 device is securely seated in the socket, and that its pin
1 (indicated with a circular indentation on the top surface) aligns with the “1”
mark on the PCB.
Ensure that the two jumpers (LED and Vcc) near the 2x7 pin male connector are
in place. Pictorials of the MSP430 Target Socket modules and their parts are
presented in Appendix B.
The USB FET has additional features like: programming of the security fuse and
adjustable target Vcc (1.8V–5.0V); target can be supplied with up to 100mA.
1.8 “Flash”ing the LED
This section demonstrates on the FET the equivalent of the C-language “Hello
world!” introductory program; an application that flashes the LED is developed
and downloaded to the FET, and then run.
1) Start the Workbench (START->PROGRAMS->IAR SYSTEMS->IAR
2) Use FILE->OPEN WORKSPACE to open the file at: <Installation
Root>\Embedded Workbench x.x\430\FET_examples\fet_projects.eww. The
workspace window will open.