WFM 601A, WFM 601E & WFM 601M User Manual
Ref Mode
The REF button selects the synchronization reference. The default reference is
the currently selected serial digital input (SER A or B). Press the REF button
once to select the external reference input (EXT REF). The EXT indicator,
located just above the REF button, lights when the external reference is selected.
The EXT REF input is a 75 W loop-through input. The external reference signal
can be a black burst or composite video signal.
Press the REF button again to select the internal synchronization reference and
turn off the EXT indicator.
Serial Status
The Serial format display performs automatic checks on the serial digital signal
and provides descriptive status of the input signal. Two Serial format screens,
STATUS and FORMAT, display information about the serial signal. In addition,
the front-panel EDH indicator lights when the input signal contains valid EDH
information in accordance with the SMPTE RP-165 standard.
Press the SERIAL button (located below the Alarm indicator) to view the Serial
format screens. Figure 3–31 shows the STATUS screen. Press the DISPLAY
bezel button to select either the STATUS, FORMAT, or CABLE screen. V1.X
firmware instruments do not have the CABLE selection. Press the SERIAL
button to exit the Serial format display.