Command Groups
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Table 2–24: Waveform Commands
Header Description
CURVe Transfer waveform data
The format and location of the waveform
data that is transferred with the CURVe
DATa:DESTination Destination for waveforms sent to digitizing
DATa:ENCdg Waveform data encoding method
DATa:SOUrce Source of CURVe? data
DATa:STARt Starting point in waveform transfer
DATa:STOP Ending point in waveform transfer
DATa:TARget Same as DATa:DESTination
DATa:WIDth Byte width of waveform points
WAVFrm? Return waveform preamble and data
WAVPre? Return waveform format data
WFMPre:BIT_Nr Preamble bit width of waveform points.
WFMPre:BN_Fmt Preamble binary encoding type
WFMPre:BYT_Nr Preamble byte width of waveform points
WFMPre:BYT_Or Preamble byte order of waveform points
WFMPre:CRVchk Preamble checksum of waveform points
WFMPre:ENCdg Preamble encoding method
WFMPre:NR_Pt Number of points in the curve
WFMPre:PT_Fmt Format of curve points
WFMPre:PT_Off Trigger position
WFMPre:WFId Curve identifier
WFMPre:XINcr Horizontal sampling interval
WFMPre:XMUlt Horizontal scale factor
WFMPre:XOFf Horizontal offset
WFMPre:XUNit Horizontal units
WFMPre:XZEro Horizontal origin offset
WFMPre:YMUlt Vertical scale factor
WFMPre:YOFf Vertical offset
WFMPre:YUNit Vertical units
WFMPre:YZEro Offset voltage