
Features and Accessories
P7240 4 GHz 5X Active Probe User Manual
Table 1: P7240 features and standard accessories (Cont.)
Feature/Accessory Description
Pogo pin
Low-inductance ground pogo pin (10 ea).
Use the low-inductance ground pogo pin to
substantially reduce ground lead inductance.
Because the pogo pin simply touches the ground
reference, you can easily move the probe to
different points on the circuit under test.
To attach, press the pogo pin into the probe head
ground socket.
When selecting the grounding connection,
maintain as short a ground path as possible.
Refer to page 18 for more information.
Tektronix part number: 016-1772-10
(package of 10)
Ground pin
length adapter
Ground pin length adapter (10 ea).
The ground pin length adapter is ideal for use
with signal/ground pairs on 0.100 inch square-
header pins.
Attach the adapter by gently pressing it into the
ground socket on the probe head.
Be sure to use the stabilization notch whenever
possible to avoid slipping and damaging the
probe or circuitry under test.
Tektronix part number: 016-1773-10
(package of 10)
Cable marker
Cable marker bands (10 ea). Attach matching
pairs of the marker bands onto the cable at the
head and compensation box of each probe. The
marker bands enable quick verification of which
probe is connected to which instrument channel.
Tektronix part number: 016-1315-00
(package of 10)