Appendix B: Status and Error Messages
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
Operation invalid while a test is running. You tried to perform an
action that cannot be completed while a test is running. For example,
this message would appear if you attempted to recall instrument
settings while a test is running.
Optical power has been overloaded. You have connected an optical
signal that has saturated the CTS 710 optical receiver.
Pointer burst active, request ignored. You pressed the POINTER
ACTION button while a pointer burst movement was occurring.
Pointer movements disabled while in Through Mode. You pressed the
POINTER ACTION button while the CTS 710 was in Through
Mode. Pointer movements are not allowed while the CTS 710 is in
Through Mode because the transmit signal must match the received
Root directory is full. You tried to save a file to disk but the directory
shows that the disk is full. Insert a disk with space available and save
the file again.
Through Mode invalid while receiving a tributary signal. You attempted
to change the transmit rate to Through Mode while a test was
running at a tributary rate. Any change in settings would invalidate
the test, so no change was made.
Unexpected End Of File, file not read. You tried to recall an instrument
setup file, a pass/fail file, or a history file and a disk error occurred.
The file is corrupted and cannot be recovered.
Warning: No received signal currently identified. You started a test
while there was no received signal.
Write Failure on Disk. The CTS 710 was unable to write to the disk.
Try saving the file on a different disk.
Appendix B: Status and Error Messages
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
Operation invalid while a test is running. You tried to perform an
action that cannot be completed while a test is running. For example,
this message would appear if you attempted to recall instrument
settings while a test is running.
Optical power has been overloaded. You have connected an optical
signal that has saturated the CTS 710 optical receiver.
Pointer burst active, request ignored. You pressed the POINTER
ACTION button while a pointer burst movement was occurring.
Pointer movements disabled while in Through Mode. You pressed the
POINTER ACTION button while the CTS 710 was in Through
Mode. Pointer movements are not allowed while the CTS 710 is in
Through Mode because the transmit signal must match the received
Root directory is full. You tried to save a file to disk but the directory
shows that the disk is full. Insert a disk with space available and save
the file again.
Through Mode invalid while receiving a tributary signal. You attempted
to change the transmit rate to Through Mode while a test was
running at a tributary rate. Any change in settings would invalidate
the test, so no change was made.
Unexpected End Of File, file not read. You tried to recall an instrument
setup file, a pass/fail file, or a history file and a disk error occurred.
The file is corrupted and cannot be recovered.
Warning: No received signal currently identified. You started a test
while there was no received signal.
Write Failure on Disk. The CTS 710 was unable to write to the disk.
Try saving the file on a different disk.