
User Manual
Resident typefaces (PCL5)
In PCL5 mode (HP LaserJet III emulation), the printer supports Courier,
Times, and Universe typefaces in the following styles and stroke weights:
medium, bold, italic medium, and bold italic.
Downloading fonts
The printer accepts Type 1, Type 3, and TrueType downloadable fonts
including those from Adobe, AGFA, Bitstream, and many others. TrueType
fonts are scalable to any point size and look the same on the screen as they
do when printed.
If you have an external hard disk connected to the Phaser 220i, you can store
the downloadable fonts on it. You can use utilities on the Phaser 220 printer
utilities diskettes to download fonts to the printer. For details, see the
manual Phaser 220 Drivers and Utilities Printing Reference.
Font upgrade (Phaser 220e)
You can upgrade the Phaser 220e to 39 resident fonts (the same as the
Phaser 220i). The font SIMM for this upgrade is available as Option 1F or
upgrade kit 4680F1F.
Installing Macintosh screen fonts
Phaser 220 Macintosh diskettes include screen fonts for these typeface
families: Times, Helvetica, Courier, Symbol, Helvetica Condensed,
Helvetica Narrow, Palatino, ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Bookman, ITC
Zapf Chancery, ITC Zapf Dingbats, and New Century Schoolbook.
If they are not already installed, you must install these screen fonts if you
want to see the printer’s resident typefaces on the Macintosh screen. For
information on how to install fonts, see the Phaser 220 Drivers and Utilities
Printing Reference or your Macintosh documentation.