Adjustment Procedures
1780R-Series Service Manual
f. Set the PHASE SHIFT button to Off, the CALIBRATE button to On,
and the button below the Vectorscope CRT to On.
g. Use the Precision Measurement control to adjust for desired Vectorscope
CRT readout intensity.
h. Press the button below the Waveform CRT to On.
i. Turn the Precision Measurement control to obtain the desired Waveform
CRT readout intensity.
j. Press the CALIBRATE button to exit the menu.
2. Adjust Power Supplies
a. Connect the DM501A common lead to chassis ground and measurement
lead to the test points in Table 5–4. Adjust and/or check for the listed
voltages. (The circuit boards are as follows: A1 is the LV Power Supply;
A16 is the Waveform HV Supply. See Fig. 5–7.)
Table 5–4: Low Voltage Power Supply Tolerance
Supply Test Point Adjust Tolerance
+5 V A16TP402 A1R219*
(+5 V Adj.)
+4.7 to
+5.3 V
–15 V A16TP501 Check for –14.5 to
–15.5 V
+15 V A16TP401 Check for +14.5 to
+15.5 V
* A1R219 is accessible through the opening for the ribbon cable that connects to J200
on the Waveform HV Supply board.