B e f o re cleaning, disconnect the appliance
from the mains supply.
Electric hotplates should be cleaned with
soapy water and a non-abrasive scoure r. If,
after cooking, the stainless steel ring of the
hotplate or cooker frame is seem to be slightly
yellow, this may be cleaned using lemon, vine-
g a r, diluted bleach or any cleaning pro d u c t
which contains bleach.
Do not clean the hotplates when they are still
If any liquid is spilt on the hotplates this
should be removed instantly with a dry cloth.
Never allow remains of food to carbonize on
the hotplate as this will reduce its heat trans-
mission capacity.
After using the hotplate it must be greased, lea-
ving its surface shiny and preventing ru s t i n g .
To extend the lifetime of the hotplate, excessi-
ve humidity or temperature should be avoided
where possible.
Steam appliances must not be used to clean
the heating plate.
No part of this appliance requires period lubri-
cation, though the gas tap cones should be
kept clean and well greased.
Each time the gas taps are dismantled, the
washer which connects them with the distribu-
tion pipe should be replaced.
The burners are operating correctly when their
flame is stable and of a blue-green colour. If
the points of the flame are yellow the burn e r s
should be well cleaned. If the problem per-
sists, contact your Technical Service.
To guarantee the airtightness of the gas insta-
llation and the correct operation of the bur-
ners, the hob must be serviced by the specia-
lized Technical Service at least once every
four years.
Any re q u i r ed modification or setting of the
appliance must be carried out by authorized
technical personnel.
MaintenanceElectric Hotplates
(MOD. CG.1 3G 1P.)
61401134/329 ingles 18/7/03 16:57 Página 32