The transformation of the appliance to use a
d i ff e r ent gas to that for which it has been
sold must only be carried out by a qualified
I n f o rmation for the Technical Serv i c e : in the
event of conversion of the type of gas or
p re s s u re in the appliance, the new re g u l a t i o n
label must be placed over the existing one, in
o rder to identify the new characteristics after
the changeover.
To make the transformation replace the gas
nozzles and regulate the minimum settings of
the taps.
The gas nozzles necessar y for each type of
gas are indicated in table 1.
To replace the gas nozzles it is necessary to
follow the following instructions:
• Remove the pan supports and the top part
of the burners in order to access the nozzle.
• Use a no 7 tubular spanner to remove
the nozzles and replace them with the
c o rresponding alternative nozzles. Take care
to tighten the nozzles well so as to avoid the
risk of gas leaks.
• Reposition the pan support and burn e r
Once the gas nozzles have been replaced, the
following instructions must be followed to
graduate the minimum settings.
Hob CG.1 4G, CG.1 3G 1P, CGC 4G y CGC 4G
• Remove the oven or the control panel fro m
their place to access the gas taps.
• Light the burners at their minimum setting.
• Use a small screw driver to remove the
s c r ew on the right or centre of the plug of
the gas key (turn left for a big flame and
right for a small flame).
• Once the setting has been graduated
check that the flame remains at its mini-
mum setting when the control is bru s q u e l y
t u rned between the maximum and the
minimum setting.
• In order to access the screw which gradua-
tes the gas flow through the taps in hob
CGC 4G AI AL, remove the screws that fix
the cover protecting the taps to the case
and lift the cover.
Gas trasformation
Table 1
CG LUX-60, CG LUX-70, CGC 4G, CG.1 4G, CG.1 3G. 1P.
CG Lux-75 and CG Lux-86
Burner Family
First Second Third
Group a Group c Group e Group H Group E+ Group 3+
Triple ring 290 290 290 135 135 95
Fast 260 260 260 116 116 85
Semi fast 185 185 185 97 97 65
Auxiliary 145 145 145 72 72 50
Gas nozzle diameter (Ø) expressed in 1/100 mm
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