Battery life is shorter than expected
Battery life will vary with operating temperature and the number 1.
of images taken over time. Typically, the Trail Cam will be able to
capture several thousand images before the batteries die.
Check to make sure you have used new alkaline or lithium 2.
batteries. Tasco recommends using 4 Energizer® Lithium AA
batteries in this Trail Cam to obtain maximum battery life.
Make sure that the power switch was turned to the “On” position 3.
and that the camera was not left in “Setup” mode while in the
Make sure that you are using a good quality name brand SD card 4.
in your camera. Tasco recommends SanDisk® brand SD Cards
up to 16GB. Our experience indicates that poor quality SD cards
can sometimes reduce your Trail Cam battery life.
Camera stops taking images or won’t take images
Please make sure that the SD card is not full. If the card is full, the 1.
camera will stop taking images.
Check the batteries to make sure that they are new alkaline or 2.
lithium AA batteries. See note above about short battery life.
Make sure that the camera power switch is in the “On” position 3.
and not in the “O” position or in “Setup” mode.
Make sure that you are using a good quality SD card in your 4.
camera. Tasco recommends SanDisk® SD Cards up to 16GB.
If the SD card has its write protect switch in the lock position, the 5.
camera will not take images.
If you have used an SD card in another device before inserting 6.
it in your Trail Cam, you might want to try formatting the card
using the “Format” parameter in Setup mode (make sure you
have backed up any important les rst, as formatting will erase
all previous les). In some cases, other devices may change the
formatting of the SD card so that it will not work properly with
the Trail Cam.
Troubleshooting / FAQ