Appendix 2: using the front panel
LCD keys
Every button on the front panel has multiple functions due to the
limited amount of keys. In this appendix it is explained what the
different functions are at different levels.
State 0: Display Status info
Any Key: State 1
State 1: menu navigation, Display current menu item
Up/Down: navigate between different sub-menu’s
ESC Up in the menu structure, State 1; from lowest level to State
ENTER for menu items: deeper into the menu structure, State 1
ENTER for data items: State 2
ENTER for selectable data items: State 7
ENTER for command items (reboot..): State 6
State 2: Show Data Element (1e line Data Element description, 2e line
Data Element value)
Up/Down: Scrolling in the content if wider then 1 display width,
State 2
ESC: State 1
ENTER for textual data items: State 3
ENTER for selectable data items: State 7
State 3: Navigate within textual data element
Up/Down: Cursor (non blinking) place on correct location in the
data element, if necessary scroll. Positions with an alphabet of
only 1 character (e.g. the full stop "." in an IP address) is
skipped), State 3
Enter: State 4
ESC: With changes in the data: State 5 Confirm
ESC: Without changes in the data: State 2
State 4: Edit textual data element, Cursor blinking on the character
position to be changed
Up/Down: Change character cyclic within the alphabet for that
position, State 4
ENTER: Next position (as State 3 [UP]), State 4
ESC: State 3
State 5: "Confirm" Menu with 2 Items that can be scrolled using UP/DOWN
(like State 1), "Yes"/"No", "No" is de default.