TANDBERG GatewayIntroduction
Front view
The front of the gateway contains 24 Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) organized in three groups. These diodes
provide information about PRI-line status, LAN (Ethernet) connection and power.
The TANDBERG Gateway
Red Alarm or Loss of signal (LOS) indicates that there is no signal and thus no framing info received. The same
effect will be obtained by pulling out the PRI cable. This may also be caused by a broken connector in the receive
(RX) part of the cable.
Yellow Alarm or Remote Alarm Indicator (RAI) means that the gateway is receiving framing info, but in this
framing info the other side tells the gateway that it is not reading the gateway’s transmitted framing info. Typically,
this may be a broken connector in the transmit (TX) part of the PRI cable. This could also indicate weak or noisy
signal in the transmit (TX) part of the PRI cable.
Green: Layer 1 OK
Red: D-Channel Down
Red: Layer 1 Red Alarm
Yellow: Layer 1 Yellow Alarm
Green: Layer 1 OK
Red: D-Channel Down
Red: Layer 1 Red Alarm
Yellow: Layer 1 Yellow Alarm
Green: Layer 1 OK
Red: D-Channel Down
Red: Layer 1 Red Alarm
Yellow: Layer 1 Yellow Alarm
Green: Layer 1 OK
Red: D-Channel Down
Red: Layer 1 Red Alarm
Yellow: Layer 1 Yellow Alarm
Green: Tx
Green: Rx
Green: Tx
Green: Rx
Green: Not in use
Green: Power on
Green: Not in use
Green: Not in use