
Appendix B Command Syntax and Style
Command Types, Format, and Elements
B-8 Operating and Programming Guide
<new line> = ASCII character decimal 10
<carriage return> = ASCII character decimal 13
Figure B-3. Simplified Program Message Syntax Diagram
When using IEEE 488.2 Common commands with SCPI Subsystem
commands on the same line, use a semicolon between adjacent
commands. For example:
When multiple SCPI Subsystem commands are sent in one program
message, the first command is always referenced to the root node.
Subsequent commands, separated by “;”, are referenced to the same
level as the preceding command if no “:” is present immediately after
the command separator (the semicolon).
For example, sending
:GPS:INIT:DATE 1994,7,4;TIME 12,34,56
is equivalent to sending:
:GPS:INIT:DATE 1994,7,4
:GPS:INIT:TIME 12,34,56
:GPS:INIT:DATE 1994,7,4;:GPS:INIT:TIME 12,34,56
The “:” must be present to distinguish another root level command.
For example:
is equivalent to sending:
Subsystem Command
<carriage return>
Common Command
<new line>
<carriage return>
<new line>
<new line>
<carriage return>