Appendix B
Software Configuration
Appendix B
Software Configuration
This chapter provides special instructions required for third-party software that can be used with the VC5090
vehicle computer.
Wavelink TelnetCE
When using a serial scanner in a Wavelink TelnetCE session, the Wavelink Client communications parameters
must be updated to reflect the connection of a scanner to one of the vehicle computer COMM ports. Serial
options; such as baud rate, data bits, stop bits and parity, of the host session and the scanner must match.
The Wavelink Client defaults are:
Baud: 9600
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None.
Ensure that scanner default parameters match the Wavelink parameters. If they do not, configure the scanner
accordingly. Refer to the scanner Product Reference Guide for information on the default scanner settings.
Citrix ICA Client
To install Citrix ICA Client on the vehicle computer, web services must be disabled.
1. Turn off CE web services:
a. Tap Start > Run.
b. Enter CMD and tap OK. The Command Prompt window appears.
c. Enter “services stop HTP0:”.
d. Tap Enter.
e. Enter “exit”.
f. Tap Enter to close the window.
2. Install Citrix ICA Client software.