Chapter 3 Power-On Self-Test 3-3
3.2.1 Setting Up a Tip Connection
A tip connection enables a remote shell window to be used as a terminal to display
test data of a system being tested. Serial port A or serial port B of a tested system
unit is used to establish the tip connection between the system unit being tested and
another Sun workstation monitor or TTY-type terminal. The tip connection is used in
a SunOS
window and provides features to help with the OBP.
To set up a tip connection:
1. See
FIGURE 3-1. Connect serial port A of the system being tested to serial port B of
another Sun workstation using a serial null modem cable (connect cable pins 2-3,
3-2, 7-20, and 20-7).
FIGURE 3-1 Setting Up a TIP Connection
2. At the other Sun workstation, check the /etc/remote file by changing to the
/etc directory and then editing the remote file:
Note – The example shows connection to serial port B.
3. To use serial port A:
a. Copy and paste the serial port B remote file.
b. Modify the serial port B remote file as follows:
hardwire:/ dv=/dev/term/b:br#9600:el=^C^S^Q^U^D:ie=%$:oe=^D:
hardwire:\ dv=/dev/term/a:br#9600:el=^C^S^Q^U^D:ie=%$:oe=^D: