Version 3.1-en Solaris 10 Container Guide - 3.1 5. Cookbooks Effective: 30/11/2009
5.3. Lifecycle management
5.3.1. Booting a zone
[dd] zoneadm -z <zone> boot starts up a zone, mounts the file systems, initializes the
network interfaces, sets the resource controls and starts the service manager of the zone. When the
zone is first started, as with Solaris re-installation, all smf service manifests are imported and the
initial smf repository for the zone is created.
global# zlogin -C zone1
[Connected to zone 'zone1' console]
[NOTICE: Zone booting up]
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_118855-15 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Hostname: zone1
zone1 console login:
In addition, the directory <zonepath>/dev is created, which contains all devices that the zone
can access.
global# ls /zones/zone1/dev
arp dtrace msglog rdsk syscon ticlts vt00
conslog dtremote null rmt sysevent ticots
console fb0 poll sad sysmsg ticotsord zero
cpu fd pool stderr systty tty zfs
crypto kstat ptmx stdin tcp udp
cryptoadm log pts stdout tcp6 udp6
dsk logindmux random swap term urandom
5.3.2. Boot arguments in zones
[dd] The zone configuration, just as the command zoneadm -z <zone> boot, can be
extended by boot arguments (bootargs). Thus for example a singular boot process with detailed
information on troubleshooting, or booting the zone into single-user mode, is possible.
global# zoneadm -z keetonga boot -s
global# zlogin -C keetonga
[Connected to zone 'keetonga' console]
[NOTICE: Zone booting up]
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_137138-09 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Booting to milestone "milestone/single-user:default".
Hostname: keetonga
Requesting System Maintenance Mode
Root password for system maintenance (control-d to bypass):