Operating Instructions Hitec Receiver FUSION 9 72MHz
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9.1 Automatic servo channel count detection
When the RF channel is set, the receiver also detects the how many servo
channels are transmitted (e.g. PPM 5, PPM 9), and stores this information.
Every time the receiver is switched on, it checks the servo channel count
and compares it to the stored value. If the two are not the same, the
receiver remains inactive.
LED Code 1
! Note:
Every time there is a change in the transmitter‘s servo channel count
or operating mode (also when a different transmitter is used), the RF
channel must be re-set (Î 9. ). The FAIL-SAFE settings (Î 11. ) must
also be set again!
9.2 Automatic Shift switching
The FUSION 9 receiver can be operated with positive Shift (e.g. JR,
AIRTRONICS, MULTIPLEX) and negative Shift (e.g. HiTEC, Futaba). The
receiver automatically sets itself to the appropriate Shift while setting the
channel. If you wish to use a transmitter with different Shift, you must re-set
the RF channel (Î 9. ).
The FUSION 9 receiver feature an IPD decoder; the abbreviation IPD
stands for Intelligent Pulse Decoding. The “intelligence” takes the form of a
micro-processor which analyses the signals picked up from the transmitter,
processes them (where necessary) and then passes them on to the
servos. The received signals are not simply passed on directly to the
servos, as with conventional FM/PPM receivers, but are checked for
interference and validity.
For a full description of IPD technology, please visit www.multiplexusa.com
The effect of FAIL-SAFE setting is that if interference occurs the servos
take up a pre-defined position, previously stored in the receiver. If FAIL-
SAFE has not been activated (factory default state, or after a RESET (Î
13.), the signal is switched off after the HOLD period (0.5 sec.). This
means that the servos become “soft” and remain in their last commanded
position under no load (this may equate to full-throttle!) until a valid signal
is picked up again.
! Note:
In the interests of safety we recommend that FAIL-SAFE should always be
activated, and the FAIL-SAFE settings should be selected so as to bring
the model to a non-critical situation (e.g. motor idle / electric motor OFF,
control surfaces neutral, airbrakes extended, aero-tow release open, …).
1. Switch on the transmitter, then the receiver. The LED flashes:
1,6 sec
LED Code 3
2. Move all the transmitter sticks and other controls to the desired FAIL-
SAFE positions (e.g. motor idle, control surfaces neutral).
3. Press the button briefly (approx. 0.5 seconds); the LED goes out.
⇒ FAIL-SAFE is now active, and the FAIL-SAFE settings are stored.
If you hold the button pressed in for too long (> 2 sec. - until the LED
comes on), the IPD filter is switched off (Î 12. ).
In this case FAIL-SAFE is not activated, and the FAIL-SAFE settings
are not stored!
4. Testing the FAIL-SAFE settings
Move the sticks to positions other than the FAIL-SAFE settings, then
switch off the transmitter. The servos should now move to the FAIL-
SAFE settings previously stored, once the HOLD period (0.5 sec.) has
• The FAIL-SAFE settings are only stored if the IPD filter is active, and if
no errors are displayed:
1,6 sec
LED Code 3
• If the transmission mode is changed (e.g. by using another TX 7ch Æ
9ch), you must re-set the FAIL-SAFE positions! (see also Î 9.1. )
• The FAIL-SAFE settings must always be checked and brought up to
date if, for example, you install the receiver in a new model, or make
an accidental mistake in programming the receiver (Î 11.4 ).
• The maximum FAIL-SAFE duration is limited to 15 seconds. After this
the servo signal is switched off ⇒ the servos become “soft”, an electric
motor speed controller switches off the motor in the absence of a sig-
This eliminates the danger of jammed mechanical linkages stalling the
servos (e.g. after a collision), which would usually wreck them.
The IPD filter (Î 10. ) can be switched off if necessary. In this mode the
receiver operates like a conventional FM/PPM unit, i.e. the signals picked
up are passed directly to the servos (etc.). This can be useful, for example,
to locate sources of problems to the receiver caused by the power system,
or the arrangement of the receiving system components. The filter should
always be switched off for range-checking, so that it does not filter out any
interference (undesirable in this case). Changes can then be made as
1. Switch the transmitter on, then switch the receiver on. The LED
1,6 sec
LED Code 3
2. Press the button (the LED goes out), and hold it pressed in until the
LED comes on again (after about 2 seconds).
The LED then flashes as follows:
LED Code 4
1,6 sec
You can re-activate the IPD filter by either of the following methods:
• Switch the receiver off, then on again
• Hold the button pressed in again for > 2 seconds (see above)
! Note:
In the interests of safety the IPD filter should only be switched off for range
checks or other experimental purposes. Normal operations should always
be carried out with the IPD filter activated.
The receiver settings can be switched back to the factory default values. All
settings (e.g. RF channel, FAIL-SAFE settings) are lost when you do this,
and are reset to the factory defaults.
1. Switch the transmitter on, then switch the receiver on. The LED
1,6 sec
LED Code 3
2. Press the button and hold it pressed in until the LED goes out - after
about 10 seconds.
The LED now flashes the confirmation signal:
1,6 sec
LED Code 5
The signal output is switched off after you carry out a RESET. The receiver
can only be used again after switching it off, then on again (Î 8. ).
A RESET can also be triggered without a transmitter signal. For this to
work an RF channel must have been set previously.
• You should pack your receiver loosely in foam or similar material to
protect it from vibration - especially with internal combustion motors.
• Install the receiver at least 6” away from electric motors, ignition sys-
tems and other electronic components. The receiver aerial should not
run immediately next to these components.
• Brushed electric motors must be effectively suppressed.
• Use separation filters if you are using servo extension leads longer
than 24”.
• Do not alter the length of the aerial.
• Route the aerial out of the model and extend it in as straight a line as
possible. Do not leave it coiled up.
• Do not deploy the receiver aerial parallel to servo leads, high-current
cables or electrically conductive components (e.g. pushrods).
• Do not deploy the aerial inside or over model components which are
skinned or reinforced with conductive materials (e.g. carbon fibre, me-
tallic paints etc.), as they have a shielding effect.
It is very important to carry out regular range checks to ensure that the
radio control system works reliably. These checks also allow you to detect
problems and sources of interference in good time. This applies in
particular when:
• you are using new or altered components, or you have changed the
arrangement of components in the model;
• you are using radio control system components which were involved in
a previous hard landing or crash;
• irregularities or problems have arisen during previous flights.
• For a range check install the telescopic transmitter aerial but leave it
completely collapsed.
The range of the FUSION 9 receiver with transmitter aerial collapsed down
to a single segment should be at least 150’. We recommend that you
disable the IPD filter for range-checking, so that interference and irregulari-
ties are not suppressed. You have reached the range limit when the servos
begin to jitter and move uncontrollably. Important:
Carry out the initial range check with the motor or engine stopped. Repeat
the check with the power system operating (all throttle settings): the range
should not be significantly reduced. If it is much lower, seek out and
eliminate the cause of the problem (motor interference, arrangement of the
receiving system components and power supply, vibration, etc.).
LED Code 0
Î 8.
LED Code 1
Î 8. /
Î 9.
LED Code 2
1,6 sec
Î 9.
1,6 sec
LED Code 3
Î 8.
LED Code 4
1,6 sec
Î 12.
1,6 sec
LED Code 5
Î 9. /
Î 13.