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Press Signal Type. (Extrusion Follower only)
This screen selects the type of analog signal provided by the press to communicate the press speed.
Press the button in the upper right corner to select from the following:
0 to 10 volts DC. (Default)
0 to 20 mA (milliamps) DC.
0 to 20 mA (milliamps) DC.
Minimum Press Signal. (Extrusion Follower only)
This screen configures the minimum speed of the press and the analog signal associated with that
speed. Press the top number to enter the minimum speed, using the screen keyboard, in RPM for the press. The
voltage associated with that speed can either be entered manually by pressing the value and entering the value
on the keyboard, or by pressing the number at the lower left to read the voltage level currently being sent by
the press. The unit of measure, A or V, is determined by the selection made on the Press Signal Type screen.
Maximum Press Signal. (Extrusion Follower only)