
7. The Information Window displays the message “TEST RUNS AT 3.4 MPH, ELEVATING FROM INCLINE 0 TO 12.” Press the
key to continue.
8. The Information Window displays the message “TEST WILL TERMINATE IF YOUR HR EXCEEDS 150 FOR MORE
MINUTE.” Press the key to continue. You are prompted with a 3 second countdown, then the treadmill begins the program.
9. The F
IT TEST runs for 12 minutes. During the test, the treadmill speed is set at 3.4 mph. The treadmill incline begins at 0% for
the first minute, increases to 2% for the second minute, and increases by 1% thereafter for each remaining minute to a maxi-
mum incline of 12% during the final minute of the test.
During the test, you MAY NOT adjust treadmill speed or incline, and you MAY NOT pause the program. If your heart rate
exceeds 150 BPM for more than one minute, the test will terminate automatically.
10. If desired, you can use the personal cooling fan during the F
IT TEST (see “Using the Cooling Fan” for details).
11. When you have reached your workout goal, the treadmill will enter the Cooldown cycle (see “Cooldown Cycle” for more infor-
mation). If you wish to exit your program before you have reached your workout goal, press the STOP key once. The treadmill
will slow to a stop, and the test will terminate.
To operate the Firefighter Test program:
The Firefighter test found in the Star Trac E Series Treadmill is based on the Gerkin Protocol developed by Dr. Richard Gerkin of the
Phoenix (Arizona) Fire Department. It is a sub-maximal graded treadmill evaluation used by many Fire Departments across the United
States to assess the condition of the firefighters. The program operates as follows:
Warm-Up: During warm-up, the treadmill runs at 3.0 mph (4.8 kph), 0% incline for 3 minutes.
Stage 1: At 3 minutes, treadmill speed increases gradually to 4.5 mph (7.2 kph). The test begins at 4.5 mph (7.2 kph). During the
test, heart rate is continuously monitored.
Stage 2: After one minute, treadmill incline increases to 2%.
Stage 3: After one minute, treadmill speed increases to 5.0 mph (8.0 kph).
Stages 4 through 11: After every odd minute, treadmill incline increases an additional 2%. After every even minute, treadmill speed
increases by 0.5 mph (0.8 kph). Once the user's heart rate exceeds the target HR (85% of maximum), the individual continues the
evaluation for an additional 15 seconds. During this 15 second period, the evaluation remains at the stage where the target HR is
exceeded, with speed or grade unchanged. If the HR does not return to or below the target HR, the evaluation ends and the final
evaluation stage is recorded. If the HR returns to or below the target HR, the program continues at the point where it would have
been had the program not stabilized for 15 seconds.
Test Completion: The test is completed when user heart rate exceeds target for more than 15 seconds or the user completes all
11 stages, whichever occurs first. The treadmill will enter a Cooldown cycle for 3 minutes at 3.0 mph (4.8 kph), 0% incline.
NOTE: You must wear the heart rate strap during the Firefighter Test to monitor your heart rate.
During program setup, you can use the key to return to a previously accepted parameter.
1. Stand on the running belt; press the key.
2. You are prompted to select the desired TRAINING TOOLS program. Press the key to select the FITNESS TESTS programs, then
press the key when prompted to select the Firefighter Test.
3. The Information Window displays the message “THIS IS A SUB-MAXIMAL VO2 FIT TEST THAT WILL EVALUATE YOUR FIT-
NESS LEVEL.” Press the key to continue.
4. You are prompted to enter your weight. You may enter your weight manually as described below, or you may use the weight
scale to enter your weight (ELITE only; see “Using the Weight Scale” for details).
If you do not use the weight scale to enter your weight, the treadmill will display a default weight of 155 pounds (70 kg).
You may enter any weight from 1 to 500 pounds (1 to 226 kg).
You can enter your weight using the numeric keypad. Use the keys to enter your correct weight.
You can press the or key, as necessary, to increase or decrease the displayed weight in 1 pound (or 1 kg) incre-
When your correct weight has been entered, press the key to accept the displayed value and advance to the next