
STAR Line Mode Command Specifications 3-117
(2) Set bar code data
This command sets the bar code print data. There are four types of data that can be set using QR codes. They are:
numbers; English characters; binary; and Kanji. Furthermore, there are two types of data setting methods. One is to
specify these along with the bar code data (data manual analysis), and the other is to specify only the bar code data
(data automatic analysis).
(3) Set page mode
This command is not used.
(4) Print Bar code
This command prints bar codes based on the settings of (1) to (3).
(5) Set bar code type
This command confirms whether to print bar codes based on the settings of (1) to (3).
= Precautions on using these commands =
• The setting values for (1) to (3) are held unless any of the following operations are performed.
• Sending a new setting command
• Sending an initialize command (<ESC> @, <CAN>)
• Turning the power OFF
• When there is an error in sending a command with (2), the set data is cleared and the command itself is disabled.
• (4) and (5) are sent when necessary.
• Printing:
• When printing, position movement using specify absolute position, specify relative position, and align position
are enabled.
• Upside down printing and 2-color printing are possible.
• Printed bar codes should always be checked in an actual use.